由于功能不同,它们的发行方式也有所不同。从发行方式上看, 深港通是由中国证监会领导并由中国证监会、香港证监会和人民银行三方共同发表。而 沪港通 则是由中国外汇管理局、中国证监会领导并由五大部委成员单位共同发表。
此外, 深港通需要经过《中华人民共和国资本市场法》法律法规审核并依照《中华人民共和国资本市场法》法律法规进行监管。而 沪 港 通 则 申 请 需 经 过 《 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 外 投 补 助 管 理 条 例 》 ( 外 补 [2001] No.25 ) 咨 詢 ; 申 請 須 配 合 《 外 投 补 助 管 理 辦 法 》 ( 外 补 [2002] No.2 ) 等 有 關 規 定 ; 須藉 「外匯」去遞交申請文件更必須藉「外匯」來開立「外匯」戶口。
此外 , 深 港 通面对使用者規定非常严格 , 广大内地境内居民及企业需要经过 A/H share brokers (A/H share) or Hong Kong brokerages(Hong Kong) approval to use the Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect program, while the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect program is open to all investors in mainland China and Hong Kong, including individuals, legal persons and other organizations.
5、對新興市場形勢影響力不一样 :
此外 , 由於對新興市場形勢影響力不一样 , 深 沪 通都對新興資金流動性形勢有很大影響 . 例如 , A/H share market can be expected to benefit from the increased liquidity brought by SZ-HK Stock Connect while the SH-HK Stock Connect is expected to benefit from increased investments in H shares by Chinese domestic investors.
此外 , SZ-HK Stock Connect and SH-HK Stock Connect are also expected to have different impacts on the overall financial markets situation. For example, SZ-HK Stock Connect will help reduce capital outflow from mainland China and provide a more efficient channel for capital flows between mainland China and Hong Kong, while SH-HK Stock Connect will help boost investment in H shares by Chinese domestic investors as well as providing a more efficient channel for capital flows between mainland China and Hong Kong.