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   1. 政府对该行业有重大影响力。由于“二胎”是国家政策性问题,因此该行业将会重新开始竞标竞卖新一代工作人员、新一代生物学家、新一代电子工程师、新一代医生以及新一代教师等人才。因此,投资者应特别留意那些被政府重申重要性并深入介入运作体制中去的企业——这样就使得它们在“亲子”市场中独占优势。

   2. 精准定位市场并形成竞争优势。无论是孩子准备生活用品、还是孩子准备教育用品;都必须要明确相应行业领军者之间独特之处——使得它们不时如雷般冲上A股市场独占天时。

   3. 对供应链开发能力强去勾勒核心竞争力。随着人口老龄化问题日益显性;耐久性物流、供应链服务将会高速发展——耐久性物流是将材料、零部件或者整体装备递送到生产者/使用者之前所进行的流水作业……因此;如果想要将其投向A股市场上并抗住不少竞争对手——对供应链开发能力就必不可少。

   4. 追随大众化之风考量未来前景 对“ 亲子 ” 市场来说 —— 无论是 婴幼 儿 童 生 活 用 品 还 是 高 端 时 尚 服 饰 —— 都 要 跟 随 大 众 常 识 ( 毕 竟 大 多 数 人 不 是 高 端 时 尚风 ) ; 也 要 追 随 大 众 风 潮 ( 大 多 数 人 都 有 追 逐 时 尚风 的 精 神 ) —— 这样 才 能 未雨 绸 绳 ;避 免 未来 五 年内 “ 三无 ” ( wu zhi wu xian wu liang ) 等问题出现 —— 使得该龙头股保护好未来前景

   5 . 精 神 H5 + APP + PC + OTC + POS 机 = ALL - IN - ONE H5+APP+PC+OTC+POS机=ALL-IN-ONE——意味着该龙头企业高效落实各方位信息化(informationization) , 超前运用AI (Artificial Intelligence) , IoT (Internet Of Things) , BigData (Big Data) , Cloud Computing, VR/AR (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality) , Blockchain Technology, Blockchain Application, Mobile Payment, Online Payment, Logistics Services and so on .

   6 . 「 P2P ] ] ] ] ] [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 「 「 「 「 「 「 「 「 「 P2P(Peer To Peer) is a platform that connects the producers and consumers directly without any middleman or intermediaries involved in the process . This kind of platform has been widely used in many industries such as finance , transportation and so on . For example , in the transportation industry , there are many companies that provide direct services to customers without any intermediaries involved in the process . In this way , it can reduce costs for both parties and make transactions more efficient .

   7 . Differentiation Strategies Differentiation strategies are also important for a company to stand out from its competitors . It refers to making products or services unique from others by adding certain value or features that other companies do not have . For example , if a company provides extra services such as free shipping or free consultation to its customers which other companies do not offer then it will be able to differentiate itself from others and gain competitive advantage over them . This kind of strategy will help a company to stand out from its competitors and get more market share in the long run.


